7 Alarming Things That Increase Blood Sugar Levels Without Letting You Know

Diabetes is a lifestyle disease and everyone knows that. But people who suffer from Type 2 diabetes or those who are genetically predisposed to it do not realize that lifestyle not only includes what you eat but also what you do and how you behave. In this article, we will discuss things that can increase blood sugar.

Type 2 patients are often advised to control their blood sugar levels primarily because of two reasons – to keep them going throughout the day by maintaining appropriate energy levels and to reduce their risk of developing certain complications, such as hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.

There are certain everyday food items, particularly carbohydrates that increase blood sugar levels without letting us know. But there are plenty of other things that will cause a sudden increase in your blood sugar, even when we think that they are just another activity or a phase of life.

The surprising things and activities can sneak up on you and secretly elevate blood sugar levels, even when you are taking all precautions to reduce your sugar intake. You may find that your blood sugar levels remain high because of these surprising reasons, no matter how strictly you follow your diet.

things and activities that can increase your blood sugar levels include:

Poor oral and dental health: Not all know it, but poor dental and oral health are one of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes. Not several researchers claim that it could be another way around. That is, poor oral health may actually increase the level of blood glucose. This is because the harmful bacteria that the gums harbor may send signals to the body to produce molecules, some of which may elevate blood sugar levels.

Physical inactivity: Staying physically active throughout the day is one of the best ways to maintain weight, reduce your risk of diseases, and increase insulin sensitivity. It helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by using up glucose present in the cells for the production of energy. Research has shown that a small workout session during the day may help maintain blood sugar levels for at least the next 24 hours.

Stress and anxiety: Depressions, stress, and anxiety tend to increase the level of cortisol in the body, which decreases the body’s ability to respond to insulin. As a result, blood glucose levels increase because of no insulin action.


Menstruation: If mood swings and terrible pain were not enough, women now have another reason to hate their dreadful days of the month. Women experience fluctuation in hormone levels before and after periods, which may increase insulin resistance. As a result, their blood sugar levels may increase during menstruation. However, some women may experience something completely opposite.

Dieting: Skipping breakfast is one of the worst decisions that people tend to take when they are dieting. Little do they know that it can actually end up increasing their blood sugar levels. People who eat a meal low in carbohydrates and packed with other nutrients have tended to have better blood sugar levels with uncontrolled blood glucose levels.

Abrupt sleeping pattern: Not taking enough hours of sleep at night can also spike blood glucose levels. The decrease in nervous system activity and cortisol levels during deep sleep helps regulate blood glucose levels. In the absence of deep sleep, these factors tend to remain increased and as a result, the blood sugar levels remain increased.

Prolonged illness: Illness may also end up increasing blood sugar levels. This is because during illness, the human body releases certain molecules to fight off infection and diseases. The same molecules can also increase blood sugar levels and in extreme cases, it may even result in a coma.

This is the reason why patients, especially the diabetics, must take special care during their days of illness. They should inform their doctor if they are diabetic, who may decide to increase the dosage of the medication given to manage blood glucose levels.

This post was last modified on July 7, 2020 4:06 pm

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