Having a healthy and heavy breakfast is important to reduce your risk of a number of diseases and conditions. For example, Bad effects of skipping breakfast have long been associated with an increased risk of hypertension, obesity, lower energy levels, and the accumulation of bad fats in the body.

bad effect of skipping breakfast

The side effect of skipping breakfast does not end right there. People believe that those who skip breakfast end up gaining weight because of the extra “in-between” meals that they take in place of a single, heavy breakfast meal. But that is not true. People who skip breakfast tend to become obese even when they don’t indulge in these small in-between meals.

This is because is such people, obesity is not a result of high-calorie intake. But there is something else that skipping breakfast triggers that lead to the accumulation of fat. A study conducted by a team of researchers from Harvard University suggests that people who skip breakfast are put in a stressful state of staying hungry or in a fasting state for a longer period of time. This ends up disrupting the body’s metabolism terribly and may even prove fatal.

During the study, the researchers found that men who skipped breakfast were more likely to become smokers, alcohol-addict, and physically inactive. In addition, they were 27 percent more likely to suffer from a heart attack due to the development of coronary heart disease. The risk of heart disease continued to remain even when other risk factors such as drinking and smoking habits, quality of diet, body mass index, and level of activity and sleep habits were taken into account.

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Skipping breakfast puts the body into a state of “prolonged fasting.” This state triggers the body to react to it in unfavorable ways. For example, the systolic and diastolic blood pressure tends to increase, in addition to insulin, free fatty acids, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides. It also ends up decreasing the amount of good cholesterol in the blood.

bad effect of skipping breakfast

How Skipping Breakfast Puts Body Under Stress?

All the ill-health effects of skipping breakfast mentioned above are textbook reasons. But there is a root cause reason that leads to manifestation of all other bad effects of skipping breakfast.

During sleep, our body is already under stress. This is because we enter a fasting state wherein we don’t eat anything for a few hours at a stretch. When we wake up, our body demands energy in the form of food so that it can come out of the stress state.

But when we skip the much needed “break-fast,” we put our body under even more stress. It is something that the body cannot tolerate and hence results in certain side effects. Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and insulin resistance are some of the major side effects and leading risk factors behind heart disease and their fatal outcome.

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Our metabolism does not stay static. It tends to change depending on how we feed our body, be it the frequency of meals, quality of meals or timing of meals.

What is the ideal breakfast?

It would be an understatement to say that people should eat something at breakfast after they wake up in the morning. But that does not mean that you end up eating doughnuts, pasta, pizza, or pastries in the breakfast to break the overnight fast and put your body out of stress.

The breakfast you consume should be healthy enough to keep you happy, satisfied, and energetic throughout the day. Protein shake of green tea accompanied with eggs, black beans, cottage cheese, salmon, apple, banana, sweet potatoes, berries, oatmeal, brown rice or multigrain bread is the best way to start the day. You can combine a few of these elements to provide your day a kick start and also make sure that you stay lean even when you eat.